Muslims Mobilized Against Racism: First Nation-Wide Study on Intra-Muslim Race Relations
Southfield, MI - June 4, 2015 - Overcoming racial discrimination is currently a significant challenge for the Muslim American community. The Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC) has released a pioneering study of race relations within the Muslim community.
The findings in the report “Study of Intra-Muslim Study of Ethnic Relations,” based on data collected throughout North America, highlight the increased urgency for Muslims to work against racial discrimination in their communities.
Margari Hill, Programming Director of MuslimARC, presented the preliminary findings of the study at Fresno State University. The results showed that a staggering 89% of Latino/Indigenous Muslims and 79% of black/African Muslims reported experiencing racial discrimination from other Muslims. Similar experiences were reported by 48% of South Asian Muslims and 35% of Middle-Eastern/North Africans.
The study also surveyed literature from prominent Muslim scholars and thinkers to gauge their perspectives on racism within the American Muslim community. Ethnographic accounts outline several important factors contributing to racial tension: for example, different races tend to worship at different mosques and many prominent Islamic organizations hold social events and gatherings that are generally less accessible to Muslims living in inner-cities. Many African-American Muslims report their desire that the larger Muslim community were more cognizant of structural racism, which continues to harm their community.
”Experiences of racial discrimination lead to increased alienation and tension among members in our community, ultimately weakening our collective strength and impact,” said Namira Islam, Executive Director of MuslimARC. Working in the forefront since early 2014 in developing strategies to combat racism, MuslimARC, which draws from Islamic sciences to challenge racism in American Muslim communities, has elevated the national conversation on racism within the Muslim community.
“The results of this study indicate that the problem is systemic. We cannot be content with a colorblind approach that ignores this festering wound.” proclaims Hill. “It is time for our community to take a more active role in mobilizing against racism.” The data from this study will be utilized to brainstorm innovative solutions to challenging racial discrimination.
MuslimARC educates American Muslims on anti-racism by providing consulting, training, and resources. The anti-racism group also advocates diversity training and anti-racism work by informing and persuading Muslim leaders and institutions of these issues.
The preliminary report of the study is available online at An infographic of findings is available online at
Get involved: MuslimARC offers educational workshops for those who wish to address discrimination in the Muslim community. The struggle against racial discrimination is a continuous effort; with your support we can foster racial equity in our communities. You can learn more about MuslimARC’s upcoming events at
To donate, please visit
Note: The above press release is available for use by any and all U.S. Muslim community groups, masjids, and local or national non-profits and organizations.
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